Monday, September 20, 2010

AAA Storage, Shirlington Va.

If you subscribe to VAGA Yahoo Group you would have read that AAA Storage is sponsoring a different rescue group each quarter and VAGA was the first. Below is a report from Judy Smith who organized this event.

"Wanted to let you know we had quite the turnout of humans and greys for the M&G at AAA storage facility. We had 8 greys show up and about 10 folks stop by who wanted information on the greys.

I know you will love my homemade sign for VAGA. We had Judy and Ed with Indy, Michael with Beatrice and Ashley, Cheryl and Jim with Stella, and Winnie with her human Zach. Quite the turnout if I do say so myself."

Many thanks to Judy and her crew for representing VAGA and helping to spread the word.